At our local airport, our church has permission to witness, handing out tracts. I had a really nice conversation with a gentlemen, kind of makes you bubbly when people talk to you. Brightens the day. It's like after standing there for an hour offering tracts without anyone stopping to talk giving you a boost of caffeine to keep you going for another hour or so!
And then, I said to a lovely couple walking by, the husband pushing the stroller while the mom was holding an absolutely cute and cuddly baby, "Would you like a free book about Jesu---". I never got the "s" out before she cranked her head back and contorted her once
pretty face into that "look". The look of disgust,
putrid disgust of "how could you possibly say
that name out loud. How dare you?"
For a moment
I think,
"that's the look on God's face right now"
as He peers down at her lost soul (an assumption on my part)
and then
I realize
His face
would have
a tear
with her name on it.